Friday, 13 May 2016

Final piece screenshots with annotations

Final Piece Futuristic Power Source

Step One

It all started from this single cylinder, this is the base of the main fixture of the building, from this object, extruding will be taken out to give it a distinctive look.

Step Two
The next step I created a cube, shrunk it thin and elongated it, i then duplicated four times and placed them directly opposite each other around the pivot of the cylinder in the center.

Step Three
This step is where the detail starts getting added, here I've added whats called, a Torus, when the Torus is created, it adds an extra tab to the material attributes allowing you to change the width and height

Step Four
Here I've added these four posts with heat-fins attached on the top, I really think they have a cool look and make the piece detailed. From this point in my model, shows how i my modelling skills have developed by the attention to detail and creating items that fit together that will have an effect on the finished model.

Step Five
Working on the detail to the base of the Power Source building, adding what will look like, buttons to adjust how much pressure us put into heat-fin post.

Step Six
Here I have extruded the top of the base of the building to create the stem that will protect the transportation of the energy to the base of the building, there are different stages that the energy go through on the way down, explaining the cooling fins in the centre of the stem.

Step Seven
With this building being both an attraction and dangerous, where I have let my imagination take over, this surrounding is both funky and futuristic, I also think that it displays the fact that people should stay away giving it the job along the same lines of a scare crow for the farmers crops.

Step Eight
After letting my imagination take over and keeping it symmetrical, I had realised that there wasn't a clear entrance for the person to mend it if something had gone wrong with the building, therefore I had extruded the faces of one of the sides of the surrounding creating a hallway type entrance.

Step Nine
Now that the hallway for the entrance has been made, now to start thinking about the door that fit on there, therefore I had simply created this door frame from a simple cube and shuffling around edge loops to create the shape that would suit the hallway.

Step Ten
With this being futuristic and the future hasn't yet been written, i have designed another door frame, but smaller, and extruded faces on the outside of the frame to create the slot for pipes further in development of the second door frame.

Step Eleven
After looking back and zooming in and out of the new entrance, I had noticed that the second door frame had a rather large top to it, and looked empty, so I had designed what looks like, a vent on the top, to build up the detail for the final render.

Step Twelve
Now the time to create the doors, with watching Sci-Fi programs, I decided to design heavy duty doors that lock together with a zig-zag style to create the look.

Step Thirteen
After zooming out in the program, I noticed the doors looked a little plain, therefore i had designed what could look like cogs that would spin when the doors would open, which would need work in the animation part of Autodesk Maya.

Step Fourteen
The middle of the doors looked bare as well, so I added some abstract looking armour for the door, following the theme of Sci-Fi and artist Don Pham who works on Sci-Fi pieces in Maya.

Step Fifteen
Coming back to the extruded face on either side of the second door frame, these were the pipes that I was planning on designing for the extruded faces, these are pipes that would control the pressure of the automatic opening doors.

Step Sixteen
This is the other side of the second door frame, these pipes are much more heavy duty and these ones are earthed which contain the wiring for the operation of the door.

Step Seventeen
This is an overview of the whole piece showing off the half bowl that would protect the sphere balls of energy that creates the energy by kinetic movement.

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