Tuesday, 8 March 2016


https://sharepoint/supportservices/marketing/Logo/BMET_logo-rgbsmall.jpgPROJECT PROPOSAL

Student Negotiated Final Major Project


UAL Level 3 Diploma in Art & Design


Student Name

Student Number

Liam Evans


Centre Name

Centre Number

Birmingham Metropolitan College


Subject Specialism

3D Modelling

Working Title or Theme of FMP

Futuristic city

Number of words

Personal Tutor                                                   Course Leader


Shiam Wilcox






For your Project Proposal you must provide an outline brief of your Final Major Project. This brief will normally be of your own choosing. Where the brief is set by your tutor, or where you are working on a group brief (with other students) please make sure that you cover how you will respond individually to the brief and/or your individual responsibilities/contribution to the work of the group.

You should give careful consideration to producing a focussed outline brief:

Section One:
What is the title of your Project? What will you work towards producing and what is your proposed end point? Explain how this relates to your work and ideas and how it extends your knowledge, understanding and creative ability.

Section Two:
What are the influences, starting points and contextual references and why are they relevant to your ideas? Indicate the subject areas you intend to research and the likely sources of information including any museums, specific locations, performances, etc you plan to visit. However you should not make extensive lists in this section. Instead you should compile an accurate bibliography correctly acknowledging all references including texts, periodicals, websites and video/DVD’s etc. Enter your bibliography in the APPENDIX

Section Three:
Refer to any techniques and processes you intend to use. Describe the range of media and materials relevant to your project and how you may use them to explore and develop your ideas. Include aspects of studio practice, workshop procedures or the use of particular equipment and software etc. Provide an indicative timescale for your project and indicate the manner in which you intend to divide your time in order to investigate, develop, produce and evaluate your project appropriately. This should be a meaningful plan to you and should be personalised to your project. You may wish to write your plan as a daily or weekly schedule in which case enter your timescale in the APPENDIX. 

Section Four:
How will you critically review and analyse your work and determine if it is successful? How will you identify directions for ongoing development? Do you have a method to record the critical response to your ideas? How do you propose to assess the success of your Final Major Project and what will be your methods of evaluation? Unit 6 requires you to produce a supporting statement at the end of your project for your exhibition. This section can inform your analysis.

You are advised that the bibliography and time scale may be attached to the Project as an appendix.

Your Project Proposal must be no less than 300 words and no more than 500 words.

SECTION ONE – The Final Major Project (guide 100 words)
THE LAND OF MODERN – I will be following the theme of futuristic buildings, land and just the environments in general, looking into creating my own type of futuristic looking environment with my own designed buildings with a look that I have chosen to give them. The final piece I wish to have is a futuristic looking world where I could picture people living if it was to become a real world. I will take into consideration some of the futuristic looking buildings that have been made and are used on the daily in our world as it is now, also some of the concepts that have been created in similar software to which I shall be using very shortly.

SECTION TWO – Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas (guide 100 words)
My influences for my current FMP project will be taken from research into current and passed professional 3d environment artists and concept artists. I’ll look at their work and maybe use their skills as inspiration and techniques to take into consideration and use in my own work, my main idea is to make a clean and open futuristic city/village/environment with detailed buildings using 3d modelling software, along with design work done by hand, also with thumbnails. With my idea, I reckon a futuristic city/village would definitely be involved in a game, a game along the lines of futuristic apocalypse, or a game based on the recent game (Elite: Dangerous) which is a futuristic space adventure game, trading and a combat simulator, since I like the idea of a floating city, maybe it could be a floating futuristic city/village/dock for space ships in space if I were to follow the elite: dangerous game.

SECTION THREE – Techniques, Processes and Timetables (guide 150 words)
The main things I will be using will be mostly used evenly from pencil and paper, to Photoshop, and Autodesk Maya, and maybe Autodesk Mud-box for characters I may consider making. Pencil and paper for initial ideas and developing of ideas, then move onto photoshop for experimenting and develop further, parts of my environment I will consider drawing and developing will be street furniture, a possibility of vehicles, and layout of how buildings will be, after completing them, I will move onto software experiments, and if the experiments are finished to a high enough detail and I’m happy with them I may consider using them in my final scene. Doing all this, I will keep to my timetable as strict as I possibly can.

SECTION FOUR – Method of Evaluation (guide 150 words)
I will evaluate my work in part, I will do an evaluation of my work so far around half way, but I will evaluate my work by describing what has been completed throughout the project, then I would go through all the points both good and bad that had happened, and how I had overcome them by changing the way I did things at that time. Problems that occurred in software such as Autodesk products like maya and mudbox, also programs like adobe photoshop, I would evaluate problems that may occur during software experiments or design work, after all that, I would go over the points, if I would change anything throughout the process.

APPENDIX – Use this appendix for your bibliography and/or action plan for your Final Major Project
-design work
-final piece

1 comment:

  1. How would a model be used within the game theme. E.g as just scenery or would you be able to enter and interact with. how?
